What if you could be
a younger, more
Youthful you?
What if you could reverse the
trajectory of Aging?
What if you could reverse muscle loss, bone loss, energy loss, and affect cognitive decline?
What if it were surprisingly easy, affordable and didn't involve drugs, injections or surgery?

Welcome to the Holy Grail of Age Reversal & Rejuvenation!

Curious how these folks reversed aging & speeded recovery?
You'll Want to Know About This Breakthrough in Age Reversal!
Experience a true breakthrough in regenerative science - enhancing our own stem cells
(the Master Cells that develop into all types of cells within the body) without injections!
Listen to this video to learn how this safe, patented, non-invasive, non-drug X39 technology works!

How Come We Aren't Told That Our Stem Cells Are Declining?
As a child, we're full of the master cells that build bone, muscle, tissue, nerves and blood cells.
Yet, no one tells us that as we age, our stem cells decline. That by our mid-30s, only 50% of stem cells are active - and aging starts. By our 60s, we have less than 10% active stem cells.
Without stem cells, we recover more slowly, we have less energy, we lose muscle and hormones, we don't sleep well and are often at the effect of inflammatory diseases.
Did your doctor ever explain this? Mine didn't!

"While the stem cell patch is not a "weight loss" product, I lost 25 pounds and gained muscle over 4 months of using it daily. And my face looks 10 years younger!" - Julie D
"I was hoping to get out of pain and sleep better. Was I shocked when my face reversed age by 15 years over 7 months! My skin is so soft! And, yes, I'm no longer in pain and sleep through the night!" Rosemary B
"My daughter, 16, struggles with ADHD and focusing at school. Within 2 weeks of using the patch, her algebra grades rose from the low 40s to 98! "My brain feels calmer" she says." - Dalila MN
"Like many women over 60, I had osteoporosis (thinning bones) due to estrogen loss. The drugs they prescribed to stop osteoporosis, burned holes in my stomach. After 5 months on the patch, I no longer have osteoporosis or even osteopenia! And my risk of bone fracture went from 20% risk to 2%! I will never stop wearing these patches!" - Camay J.

Age Reversal, Pain Reduction & Renewed Quality of Life for Camay
Listen to how X39 stopped decades of pain, reduced pain medications to almost none and gave Camay her life back.
As estrogen helps prevent bones from getting weaker by slowing the natural breakdown of bone, its reduction during menopause significantly speeds up bone loss. (Ah, my doctor never told me this, did yours?)
During the postmenopausal stage, bones tend to break down more quickly than they are formed. This loss increases the risk of fractures in the hip, spine and wrist along with pain (especially in the back) and the loss of strength and mobility.
Our stem cell activation technology increases bone growth through the activation of the GHK-Cu copper peptide that rejuvenates bone stem cells. Over time, it is clinically proven to increase bone mass and strength.

Reduction in muscle mass, strength and function can begin as early as our 30s and continue at a rate of 3% to 5% per decade.
People can lose up to 30% of their muscle mass between ages 50 and 70. After 70, the rate of muscle loss accelerates further. As you lose muscle, you’re at increased risk for osteoporosis, falls and injuries.
Our stem cell activation technology is clinically proven to increase muscle through activation of the GHK-Cu copper peptide that rejuvenates muscle stem cells.
Over time, muscle rehabilitation supports greater mobility, reduced pain, increased stamina and sports performance and less injury due to falls and accidents.
OK, you've got my attention.
How do these things work, how do I use them and what should I expect?

Photobiomodulation is a form of phototherapy that uses Light frequencies to influence cellular healing. Our technology interacts with our own Infrared light field, inducing changes to cellular functions.

The patches are safe for all ages. Apply to clean, dry skin. Most are worn for 12 hours then discarded. A new patch is applied after a 12 hour rest - unless guided otherwise.

What to Expect
As the patch works at the DNA level, we often don't "feel anything." Clinical studies have proven that in the first 24 hours, genes are being repaired. Over weeks, all systems in the body are being rejuvenated.
Here's how phototherapy works (1.5 min)
Pharmaceutical drugs are the only products that are FDA approved. All other wellness and technology products are FDA registered. LifeWave works with the FDA regularly and all LifeWave products are FDA registered.

What People Are Saying
LifeWave products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.